Become a Member
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the Securabike Website. The advantage in doing this is that you will then have access to DWG and REVIT files for our bicycle parking products. We hope this will enable you as an architectural specifier to use these files within the projects you are working on. To become a member please register your interest on the "contact us" and we will get back to you with a log in and password so that you can then access those files. Please note that all our marketing literature and brochures are already displayed on this website which you can access readily without a login.
You may also wish to subscribe to our newsletter service which releases four newsletters per year or you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter for regular updates. If bicycle parking is something that you work on regularly, then we hope you can follow us on those services as we will endeavor to provide relevant information on a more regular basis.